

图 5.45. 版本库浏览器



除了版本库浏览器不是显示计算机中的文件,而是显示版本库中特定版本的内容之外,它看起来很象 Windows 资源管理器。在左边的窗格显示目录树,右边的窗格显示选定目录的内容。在版本库浏览器窗口的顶部,你可以输入你想浏览的版本库 URL和版本。

就象 Windows 资源管理器一样,如果你想设置排列顺序,可以点击右边窗格中的列首。并且所有窗格都有上下文菜单。






You can use F5 to refresh the view as usual. This will refresh everything which is currently displayed. If you want to pre-fetch or refresh the information for nodes which have not been opened yet, use Ctrl-F5. After that, expanding any node will happen instantly without a network delay while the information is fetched.

You can also use the repository browser for drag-and-drop operations. If you drag a folder from explorer into the repo-browser, it will be imported into the repository. Note that if you drag multiple items, they will be imported in separate commits.

If you want to move an item within the repository, just left drag it to the new location. If you want to create a copy rather than moving the item, Ctrl-left drag instead. When copying, the cursor has a “plus” symbol on it, just as it does in Explorer.

If you want to copy/move a file or folder to another location and also give it a new name at the same time, you can right drag or Ctrl-right drag the item instead of using left drag. In that case, a rename dialog is shown where you can enter a new name for the file or folder.


Sometimes when you try to open a path you will get an error message in place of the item details. This might happen if you specified an invalid URL, or if you don't have access permission, or if there is some other server problem. If you need to copy this message to include it in an email, just right click on it and use Context MenuCopy error message to clipboard, or simply use Ctrl+C.