PHP 手册


这些函数的行为受 php.ini 中的设置影响。

COM 配置选项
名字 默认 可修改范围 更新日志
com.allow_dcom "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM 自 PHP 4.0.5 起可用
com.autoregister_typelib "0" PHP_INI_ALL 在 PHP 4 中是 PHP_INI_SYSTEM。自 PHP 4.1.0 起可用
com.autoregister_verbose "0" PHP_INI_ALL 在 PHP 4 中是 PHP_INI_SYSTEM。自 PHP 4.1.0 起可用
com.autoregister_casesensitive "1" PHP_INI_ALL 在 PHP 4 中是 PHP_INI_SYSTEM。自 PHP 4.1.0 起可用
com.code_page "" PHP_INI_ALL 自 PHP 5.0.0 起可用
com.typelib_file "" PHP_INI_SYSTEM 自 PHP 4.0.5 起可用
有关 PHP_INI_* 样式的更多详情与定义,见 配置可被设定范围



如果打开此选项,PHP 将被允许以一个 D-COM(Distributed COM)客户方式操作并允许 PHP 脚本在远程服务器上实例化 COM 对象。


When this is turned on, PHP will attempt to register constants from the typelibrary of objects that it instantiates, if those objects implement the interfaces required to obtain that information. The case sensitivity of the constants it registers is controlled by the configuration directive.


When this is turned on, any problems with loading a typelibrary during object instantiation will be reported using the PHP error mechanism. The default is off, which does not emit any indication if there was an error finding or loading the type library.


When this is turned on (the default), constants found in auto-loaded type libraries will be registered case sensitively. See com_load_typelib() for more details.


It controls the default character set code-page to use when passing strings to and from COM objects. If set to an empty string, PHP will assume that you want CP_ACP, which is the default system ANSI code page.

If the text in your scripts is encoded using a different encoding/character set by default, setting this directive will save you from having to pass the code page as a parameter to the COM class constructor. Please note that by using this directive (as with any PHP configuration directive), your PHP script becomes less portable; you should use the COM constructor parameter whenever possible.

Note: This configuration directive was introduced with PHP 5.


When set, this should hold the path to a file that contains a list of typelibraries that should be loaded on startup. Each line of the file will be treated as the type library name and loaded as though you had called com_load_typelib(). The constants will be registered persistently, so that the library only needs to be loaded once. If a type library name ends with the string #cis or #case_insensitive, then the constants from that library will be registered case insensitively.

PHP 手册