第8章 对象的容纳
MyObject myHandle;
8.1 数组
8.1.1 数组和第一类对象
//: ArraySize.java // Initialization & re-assignment of arrays package c08; class Weeble {} // A small mythical creature public class ArraySize { public static void main(String[] args) { // Arrays of objects: Weeble[] a; // Null handle Weeble[] b = new Weeble[5]; // Null handles Weeble[] c = new Weeble[4]; for(int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) c[i] = new Weeble(); Weeble[] d = { new Weeble(), new Weeble(), new Weeble() }; // Compile error: variable a not initialized: //!System.out.println("a.length=" + a.length); System.out.println("b.length = " + b.length); // The handles inside the array are // automatically initialized to null: for(int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) System.out.println("b[" + i + "]=" + b[i]); System.out.println("c.length = " + c.length); System.out.println("d.length = " + d.length); a = d; System.out.println("a.length = " + a.length); // Java 1.1 initialization syntax: a = new Weeble[] { new Weeble(), new Weeble() }; System.out.println("a.length = " + a.length); // Arrays of primitives: int[] e; // Null handle int[] f = new int[5]; int[] g = new int[4]; for(int i = 0; i < g.length; i++) g[i] = i*i; int[] h = { 11, 47, 93 }; // Compile error: variable e not initialized: //!System.out.println("e.length=" + e.length); System.out.println("f.length = " + f.length); // The primitives inside the array are // automatically initialized to zero: for(int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) System.out.println("f[" + i + "]=" + f[i]); System.out.println("g.length = " + g.length); System.out.println("h.length = " + h.length); e = h; System.out.println("e.length = " + e.length); // Java 1.1 initialization syntax: e = new int[] { 1, 2 }; System.out.println("e.length = " + e.length); } } ///:~
Here’s the output from the
b.length = 5 b[0]=null b[1]=null b[2]=null b[3]=null b[4]=null c.length = 4 d.length = 3 a.length = 3 a.length = 2 f.length = 5 f[0]=0 f[1]=0 f[2]=0 f[3]=0 f[4]=0 g.length = 4 h.length = 3 e.length = 3 e.length = 2
//: IceCream.java // Returning arrays from methods public class IceCream { static String[] flav = { "Chocolate", "Strawberry", "Vanilla Fudge Swirl", "Mint Chip", "Mocha Almond Fudge", "Rum Raisin", "Praline Cream", "Mud Pie" }; static String[] flavorSet(int n) { // Force it to be positive & within bounds: n = Math.abs(n) % (flav.length + 1); String[] results = new String[n]; int[] picks = new int[n]; for(int i = 0; i < picks.length; i++) picks[i] = -1; for(int i = 0; i < picks.length; i++) { retry: while(true) { int t = (int)(Math.random() * flav.length); for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) if(picks[j] == t) continue retry; picks[i] = t; results[i] = flav[t]; break; } } return results; } public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { System.out.println( "flavorSet(" + i + ") = "); String[] fl = flavorSet(flav.length); for(int j = 0; j < fl.length; j++) System.out.println("\t" + fl[j]); } } } ///:~
//: CatsAndDogs.java // Simple collection example (Vector) import java.util.*; class Cat { private int catNumber; Cat(int i) { catNumber = i; } void print() { System.out.println("Cat #" + catNumber); } } class Dog { private int dogNumber; Dog(int i) { dogNumber = i; } void print() { System.out.println("Dog #" + dogNumber); } } public class CatsAndDogs { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector cats = new Vector(); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) cats.addElement(new Cat(i)); // Not a problem to add a dog to cats: cats.addElement(new Dog(7)); for(int i = 0; i < cats.size(); i++) ((Cat)cats.elementAt(i)).print(); // Dog is detected only at run-time } } ///:~
//: WorksAnyway.java // In special cases, things just seem // to work correctly. import java.util.*; class Mouse { private int mouseNumber; Mouse(int i) { mouseNumber = i; } // Magic method: public String toString() { return "This is Mouse #" + mouseNumber; } void print(String msg) { if(msg != null) System.out.println(msg); System.out.println( "Mouse number " + mouseNumber); } } class MouseTrap { static void caughtYa(Object m) { Mouse mouse = (Mouse)m; // Cast from Object mouse.print("Caught one!"); } } public class WorksAnyway { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector mice = new Vector(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mice.addElement(new Mouse(i)); for(int i = 0; i < mice.size(); i++) { // No cast necessary, automatic call // to Object.toString(): System.out.println( "Free mouse: " + mice.elementAt(i)); MouseTrap.caughtYa(mice.elementAt(i)); } } } ///:~
//: GopherVector.java // A type-conscious Vector import java.util.*; class Gopher { private int gopherNumber; Gopher(int i) { gopherNumber = i; } void print(String msg) { if(msg != null) System.out.println(msg); System.out.println( "Gopher number " + gopherNumber); } } class GopherTrap { static void caughtYa(Gopher g) { g.print("Caught one!"); } } class GopherVector { private Vector v = new Vector(); public void addElement(Gopher m) { v.addElement(m); } public Gopher elementAt(int index) { return (Gopher)v.elementAt(index); } public int size() { return v.size(); } public static void main(String[] args) { GopherVector gophers = new GopherVector(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) gophers.addElement(new Gopher(i)); for(int i = 0; i < gophers.size(); i++) GopherTrap.caughtYa(gophers.elementAt(i)); } } ///:~
//: CatsAndDogs2.java // Simple collection with Enumeration import java.util.*; class Cat2 { private int catNumber; Cat2(int i) { catNumber = i; } void print() { System.out.println("Cat number " +catNumber); } } class Dog2 { private int dogNumber; Dog2(int i) { dogNumber = i; } void print() { System.out.println("Dog number " +dogNumber); } } public class CatsAndDogs2 { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector cats = new Vector(); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) cats.addElement(new Cat2(i)); // Not a problem to add a dog to cats: cats.addElement(new Dog2(7)); Enumeration e = cats.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) ((Cat2)e.nextElement()).print(); // Dog is detected only at run-time } } ///:~
//: HamsterMaze.java // Using an Enumeration import java.util.*; class Hamster { private int hamsterNumber; Hamster(int i) { hamsterNumber = i; } public String toString() { return "This is Hamster #" + hamsterNumber; } } class Printer { static void printAll(Enumeration e) { while(e.hasMoreElements()) System.out.println( e.nextElement().toString()); } } public class HamsterMaze { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector v = new Vector(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) v.addElement(new Hamster(i)); Printer.printAll(v.elements()); } } ///:~
static void printAll(Enumeration e) { while(e.hasMoreElements()) System.out.println( e.nextElement().toString()); }
//: CrashJava.java // One way to crash Java import java.util.*; public class CrashJava { public String toString() { return "CrashJava address: " + this + "\n"; } public static void main(String[] args) { Vector v = new Vector(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) v.addElement(new CrashJava()); System.out.println(v); } } ///:~
//: Bits.java // Demonstration of BitSet import java.util.*; public class Bits { public static void main(String[] args) { Random rand = new Random(); // Take the LSB of nextInt(): byte bt = (byte)rand.nextInt(); BitSet bb = new BitSet(); for(int i = 7; i >=0; i--) if(((1 << i) & bt) != 0) bb.set(i); else bb.clear(i); System.out.println("byte value: " + bt); printBitSet(bb); short st = (short)rand.nextInt(); BitSet bs = new BitSet(); for(int i = 15; i >=0; i--) if(((1 << i) & st) != 0) bs.set(i); else bs.clear(i); System.out.println("short value: " + st); printBitSet(bs); int it = rand.nextInt(); BitSet bi = new BitSet(); for(int i = 31; i >=0; i--) if(((1 << i) & it) != 0) bi.set(i); else bi.clear(i); System.out.println("int value: " + it); printBitSet(bi); // Test bitsets >= 64 bits: BitSet b127 = new BitSet(); b127.set(127); System.out.println("set bit 127: " + b127); BitSet b255 = new BitSet(65); b255.set(255); System.out.println("set bit 255: " + b255); BitSet b1023 = new BitSet(512); // Without the following, an exception is thrown // in the Java 1.0 implementation of BitSet: // b1023.set(1023); b1023.set(1024); System.out.println("set bit 1023: " + b1023); } static void printBitSet(BitSet b) { System.out.println("bits: " + b); String bbits = new String(); for(int j = 0; j < b.size() ; j++) bbits += (b.get(j) ? "1" : "0"); System.out.println("bit pattern: " + bbits); } } ///:~
//: Stacks.java // Demonstration of Stack Class import java.util.*; public class Stacks { static String[] months = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; public static void main(String[] args) { Stack stk = new Stack(); for(int i = 0; i < months.length; i++) stk.push(months[i] + " "); System.out.println("stk = " + stk); // Treating a stack as a Vector: stk.addElement("The last line"); System.out.println( "element 5 = " + stk.elementAt(5)); System.out.println("popping elements:"); while(!stk.empty()) System.out.println(stk.pop()); } } ///:~
//: AssocArray.java // Simple version of a Dictionary import java.util.*; public class AssocArray extends Dictionary { private Vector keys = new Vector(); private Vector values = new Vector(); public int size() { return keys.size(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return keys.isEmpty(); } public Object put(Object key, Object value) { keys.addElement(key); values.addElement(value); return key; } public Object get(Object key) { int index = keys.indexOf(key); // indexOf() Returns -1 if key not found: if(index == -1) return null; return values.elementAt(index); } public Object remove(Object key) { int index = keys.indexOf(key); if(index == -1) return null; keys.removeElementAt(index); Object returnval = values.elementAt(index); values.removeElementAt(index); return returnval; } public Enumeration keys() { return keys.elements(); } public Enumeration elements() { return values.elements(); } // Test it: public static void main(String[] args) { AssocArray aa = new AssocArray(); for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) aa.put(String.valueOf(c), String.valueOf(c) .toUpperCase()); char[] ca = { 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' }; for(int i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) System.out.println("Uppercase: " + aa.get(String.valueOf(ca[i]))); } } ///:~
//: Statistics.java // Simple demonstration of Hashtable import java.util.*; class Counter { int i = 1; public String toString() { return Integer.toString(i); } } class Statistics { public static void main(String[] args) { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // Produce a number between 0 and 20: Integer r = new Integer((int)(Math.random() * 20)); if(ht.containsKey(r)) ((Counter)ht.get(r)).i++; else ht.put(r, new Counter()); } System.out.println(ht); } } ///:~
{19=526, 18=533, 17=460, 16=513, 15=521, 14=495, 13=512, 12=483, 11=488, 10=487, 9=514, 8=523, 7=497, 6=487, 5=480, 4=489, 3=509, 2=503, 1=475, 0=505}
//: SpringDetector.java // Looks plausible, but doesn't work right. import java.util.*; class Groundhog { int ghNumber; Groundhog(int n) { ghNumber = n; } } class Prediction { boolean shadow = Math.random() > 0.5; public String toString() { if(shadow) return "Six more weeks of Winter!"; else return "Early Spring!"; } } public class SpringDetector { public static void main(String[] args) { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) ht.put(new Groundhog(i), new Prediction()); System.out.println("ht = " + ht + "\n"); System.out.println( "Looking up prediction for groundhog #3:"); Groundhog gh = new Groundhog(3); if(ht.containsKey(gh)) System.out.println((Prediction)ht.get(gh)); } } ///:~
//: SpringDetector2.java // If you create a class that's used as a key in // a Hashtable, you must override hashCode() // and equals(). import java.util.*; class Groundhog2 { int ghNumber; Groundhog2(int n) { ghNumber = n; } public int hashCode() { return ghNumber; } public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof Groundhog2) && (ghNumber == ((Groundhog2)o).ghNumber); } } public class SpringDetector2 { public static void main(String[] args) { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) ht.put(new Groundhog2(i),new Prediction()); System.out.println("ht = " + ht + "\n"); System.out.println( "Looking up prediction for groundhog #3:"); Groundhog2 gh = new Groundhog2(3); if(ht.containsKey(gh)) System.out.println((Prediction)ht.get(gh)); } } ///:~
//: Enumerators2.java // Revisiting Enumerations import java.util.*; class PrintData { static void print(Enumeration e) { while(e.hasMoreElements()) System.out.println( e.nextElement().toString()); } } class Enumerators2 { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector v = new Vector(); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) v.addElement(new Mouse(i)); Hashtable h = new Hashtable(); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) h.put(new Integer(i), new Hamster(i)); System.out.println("Vector"); PrintData.print(v.elements()); System.out.println("Hashtable"); PrintData.print(h.elements()); } } ///:~
//: Compare.java // Interface for sorting callback: package c08; interface Compare { boolean lessThan(Object lhs, Object rhs); boolean lessThanOrEqual(Object lhs, Object rhs); } ///:~
//: SortVector.java // A generic sorting vector package c08; import java.util.*; public class SortVector extends Vector { private Compare compare; // To hold the callback public SortVector(Compare comp) { compare = comp; } public void sort() { quickSort(0, size() - 1); } private void quickSort(int left, int right) { if(right > left) { Object o1 = elementAt(right); int i = left - 1; int j = right; while(true) { while(compare.lessThan( elementAt(++i), o1)) ; while(j > 0) if(compare.lessThanOrEqual( elementAt(--j), o1)) break; // out of while if(i >= j) break; swap(i, j); } swap(i , right); quickSort(left, i-1); quickSort(i+1, right); } } private void swap(int loc1, int loc2) { Object tmp = elementAt(loc1); setElementAt(elementAt(loc2), loc1); setElementAt(tmp, loc2); } } ///:~
//: StringSortTest.java // Testing the generic sorting Vector package c08; import java.util.*; public class StringSortTest { static class StringCompare implements Compare { public boolean lessThan(Object l, Object r) { return ((String)l).toLowerCase().compareTo( ((String)r).toLowerCase()) < 0; } public boolean lessThanOrEqual(Object l, Object r) { return ((String)l).toLowerCase().compareTo( ((String)r).toLowerCase()) <= 0; } } public static void main(String[] args) { SortVector sv = new SortVector(new StringCompare()); sv.addElement("d"); sv.addElement("A"); sv.addElement("C"); sv.addElement("c"); sv.addElement("b"); sv.addElement("B"); sv.addElement("D"); sv.addElement("a"); sv.sort(); Enumeration e = sv.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) System.out.println(e.nextElement()); } } ///:~
//: StrSortVector.java // Automatically sorted Vector that // accepts and produces only Strings package c08; import java.util.*; public class StrSortVector { private SortVector v = new SortVector( // Anonymous inner class: new Compare() { public boolean lessThan(Object l, Object r) { return ((String)l).toLowerCase().compareTo( ((String)r).toLowerCase()) < 0; } public boolean lessThanOrEqual(Object l, Object r) { return ((String)l).toLowerCase().compareTo( ((String)r).toLowerCase()) <= 0; } } ); private boolean sorted = false; public void addElement(String s) { v.addElement(s); sorted = false; } public String elementAt(int index) { if(!sorted) { v.sort(); sorted = true; } return (String)v.elementAt(index); } public Enumeration elements() { if(!sorted) { v.sort(); sorted = true; } return v.elements(); } // Test it: public static void main(String[] args) { StrSortVector sv = new StrSortVector(); sv.addElement("d"); sv.addElement("A"); sv.addElement("C"); sv.addElement("c"); sv.addElement("b"); sv.addElement("B"); sv.addElement("D"); sv.addElement("a"); Enumeration e = sv.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) System.out.println(e.nextElement()); } } ///:~
//: SimpleCollection.java // A simple example using the new Collections package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class SimpleCollection { public static void main(String[] args) { Collection c = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) c.add(Integer.toString(i)); Iterator it = c.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) System.out.println(it.next()); } } ///:~
add(Object) |
*Ensures that the Collection
contains the argument. Returns false if it doesn’t add the
argument. |
addAll(Collection) |
*Adds all the elements in the
argument. Returns true if any elements were added. |
clear( ) |
*Removes all the elements in the
Collection. |
contains(Object) |
True if the Collection contains the
argument. |
containsAll(Collection) |
True if the Collection contains all
the elements in the argument. |
isEmpty( ) |
True if the Collection has no
elements. |
iterator( ) |
Returns an Iterator that you can
use to move through the elements in the Collection. |
remove(Object) |
*If the argument is in the
Collection, one instance of that element is removed. Returns true if a removal
occurred. |
removeAll(Collection) |
*Removes all the elements that are
contained in the argument. Returns true if any removals
occurred. |
retainAll(Collection) |
*Retains only elements that are
contained in the argument (an “intersection” from set theory).
Returns true if any changes occurred. |
size( ) |
Returns the number of elements in
the Collection. |
toArray( ) |
Returns an array containing all the
elements in the Collection. |
Object[] toArray(Object[]
a) |
Returns an array containing all the
elements in the Collection, whose type is that of the array a rather than
plain Object (you must cast the array to the right
type). |
*This is an “optional”
method, which means it might not be implemented by a particular Collection. If
not, that method throws an UnsupportedOperationException. Exceptions will
be covered in Chapter 9. |
//: Collection1.java // Things you can do with all Collections package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class Collection1 { // Fill with 'size' elements, start // counting at 'start': public static Collection fill(Collection c, int start, int size) { for(int i = start; i < start + size; i++) c.add(Integer.toString(i)); return c; } // Default to a "start" of 0: public static Collection fill(Collection c, int size) { return fill(c, 0, size); } // Default to 10 elements: public static Collection fill(Collection c) { return fill(c, 0, 10); } // Create & upcast to Collection: public static Collection newCollection() { return fill(new ArrayList()); // ArrayList is used for simplicity, but it's // only seen as a generic Collection // everywhere else in the program. } // Fill a Collection with a range of values: public static Collection newCollection(int start, int size) { return fill(new ArrayList(), start, size); } // Moving through a List with an iterator: public static void print(Collection c) { for(Iterator x = c.iterator(); x.hasNext();) System.out.print(x.next() + " "); System.out.println(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Collection c = newCollection(); c.add("ten"); c.add("eleven"); print(c); // Make an array from the List: Object[] array = c.toArray(); // Make a String array from the List: String[] str = (String[])c.toArray(new String[1]); // Find max and min elements; this means // different things depending on the way // the Comparable interface is implemented: System.out.println("Collections.max(c) = " + Collections.max(c)); System.out.println("Collections.min(c) = " + Collections.min(c)); // Add a Collection to another Collection c.addAll(newCollection()); print(c); c.remove("3"); // Removes the first one print(c); c.remove("3"); // Removes the second one print(c); // Remove all components that are in the // argument collection: c.removeAll(newCollection()); print(c); c.addAll(newCollection()); print(c); // Is an element in this Collection? System.out.println( "c.contains(\"4\") = " + c.contains("4")); // Is a Collection in this Collection? System.out.println( "c.containsAll(newCollection()) = " + c.containsAll(newCollection())); Collection c2 = newCollection(5, 3); // Keep all the elements that are in both // c and c2 (an intersection of sets): c.retainAll(c2); print(c); // Throw away all the elements in c that // also appear in c2: c.removeAll(c2); System.out.println("c.isEmpty() = " + c.isEmpty()); c = newCollection(); print(c); c.clear(); // Remove all elements System.out.println("after c.clear():"); print(c); } } ///:~
(interface) |
Order is the most important feature
of a List; it promises to maintain elements in a particular sequence.
List adds a number of methods to Collection that allow
insertion and removal of elements in the middle of a List. (This is
recommended only for a LinkedList.) A List will produce a
ListIterator, and using this you can traverse the List in both
directions, as well as insert and remove elements in the middle of the list
(again, recommended only for a LinkedList). |
ArrayList* |
A List backed by an array.
Use instead of Vector as a general-purpose object holder. Allows rapid
random access to elements, but is slow when inserting and removing elements from
the middle of a list. ListIterator should be used only for back-and-forth
traversal of an ArrayList, but not for inserting and removing elements,
which is expensive compared to LinkedList. |
LinkedList |
Provides optimal sequential access,
with inexpensive insertions and deletions from the middle of the list.
Relatively slow for random access. (Use ArrayList instead.) Also has
addFirst( ), addLast( ), getFirst( ),
getLast( ), removeFirst( ), and
removeLast( ) (which are not defined in any interfaces or base
classes) to allow it to be used as a stack, a queue, and a
dequeue. |
//: List1.java // Things you can do with Lists package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class List1 { // Wrap Collection1.fill() for convenience: public static List fill(List a) { return (List)Collection1.fill(a); } // You can use an Iterator, just as with a // Collection, but you can also use random // access with get(): public static void print(List a) { for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) System.out.print(a.get(i) + " "); System.out.println(); } static boolean b; static Object o; static int i; static Iterator it; static ListIterator lit; public static void basicTest(List a) { a.add(1, "x"); // Add at location 1 a.add("x"); // Add at end // Add a collection: a.addAll(fill(new ArrayList())); // Add a collection starting at location 3: a.addAll(3, fill(new ArrayList())); b = a.contains("1"); // Is it in there? // Is the entire collection in there? b = a.containsAll(fill(new ArrayList())); // Lists allow random access, which is cheap // for ArrayList, expensive for LinkedList: o = a.get(1); // Get object at location 1 i = a.indexOf("1"); // Tell index of object // indexOf, starting search at location 2: i = a.indexOf("1", 2); b = a.isEmpty(); // Any elements inside? it = a.iterator(); // Ordinary Iterator lit = a.listIterator(); // ListIterator lit = a.listIterator(3); // Start at loc 3 i = a.lastIndexOf("1"); // Last match i = a.lastIndexOf("1", 2); // ...after loc 2 a.remove(1); // Remove location 1 a.remove("3"); // Remove this object a.set(1, "y"); // Set location 1 to "y" // Keep everything that's in the argument // (the intersection of the two sets): a.retainAll(fill(new ArrayList())); // Remove elements in this range: a.removeRange(0, 2); // Remove everything that's in the argument: a.removeAll(fill(new ArrayList())); i = a.size(); // How big is it? a.clear(); // Remove all elements } public static void iterMotion(List a) { ListIterator it = a.listIterator(); b = it.hasNext(); b = it.hasPrevious(); o = it.next(); i = it.nextIndex(); o = it.previous(); i = it.previousIndex(); } public static void iterManipulation(List a) { ListIterator it = a.listIterator(); it.add("47"); // Must move to an element after add(): it.next(); // Remove the element that was just produced: it.remove(); // Must move to an element after remove(): it.next(); // Change the element that was just produced: it.set("47"); } public static void testVisual(List a) { print(a); List b = new ArrayList(); fill(b); System.out.print("b = "); print(b); a.addAll(b); a.addAll(fill(new ArrayList())); print(a); // Shrink the list by removing all the // elements beyond the first 1/2 of the list System.out.println(a.size()); System.out.println(a.size()/2); a.removeRange(a.size()/2, a.size()/2 + 2); print(a); // Insert, remove, and replace elements // using a ListIterator: ListIterator x = a.listIterator(a.size()/2); x.add("one"); print(a); System.out.println(x.next()); x.remove(); System.out.println(x.next()); x.set("47"); print(a); // Traverse the list backwards: x = a.listIterator(a.size()); while(x.hasPrevious()) System.out.print(x.previous() + " "); System.out.println(); System.out.println("testVisual finished"); } // There are some things that only // LinkedLists can do: public static void testLinkedList() { LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(); Collection1.fill(ll, 5); print(ll); // Treat it like a stack, pushing: ll.addFirst("one"); ll.addFirst("two"); print(ll); // Like "peeking" at the top of a stack: System.out.println(ll.getFirst()); // Like popping a stack: System.out.println(ll.removeFirst()); System.out.println(ll.removeFirst()); // Treat it like a queue, pulling elements // off the tail end: System.out.println(ll.removeLast()); // With the above operations, it's a dequeue! print(ll); } public static void main(String args[]) { // Make and fill a new list each time: basicTest(fill(new LinkedList())); basicTest(fill(new ArrayList())); iterMotion(fill(new LinkedList())); iterMotion(fill(new ArrayList())); iterManipulation(fill(new LinkedList())); iterManipulation(fill(new ArrayList())); testVisual(fill(new LinkedList())); testLinkedList(); } } ///:~
(interface) |
Each element that you add to the
Set must be unique; otherwise the Set doesn’t add the
duplicate element. Objects added to a Set must define
equals( ) to establish object uniqueness. Set has exactly the
same interface as Collection. The Set interface does not guarantee
it will maintain its elements in any particular order. |
HashSet* |
For Sets where fast lookup
time is important. Objects must also define
hashCode( ). |
TreeSet |
An ordered Set backed by a
red-black tree. This way, you can extract an ordered sequence from a
Set. |
//: Set1.java // Things you can do with Sets package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class Set1 { public static void testVisual(Set a) { Collection1.fill(a); Collection1.fill(a); Collection1.fill(a); Collection1.print(a); // No duplicates! // Add another set to this one: a.addAll(a); a.add("one"); a.add("one"); a.add("one"); Collection1.print(a); // Look something up: System.out.println("a.contains(\"one\"): " + a.contains("one")); } public static void main(String[] args) { testVisual(new HashSet()); testVisual(new TreeSet()); } } ///:~
//: Set2.java // Putting your own type in a Set package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; class MyType implements Comparable { private int i; public MyType(int n) { i = n; } public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof MyType) && (i == ((MyType)o).i); } public int hashCode() { return i; } public String toString() { return i + " "; } public int compareTo(Object o) { int i2 = ((MyType) o).i; return (i2 < i ? -1 : (i2 == i ? 0 : 1)); } } public class Set2 { public static Set fill(Set a, int size) { for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) a.add(new MyType(i)); return a; } public static Set fill(Set a) { return fill(a, 10); } public static void test(Set a) { fill(a); fill(a); // Try to add duplicates fill(a); a.addAll(fill(new TreeSet())); System.out.println(a); } public static void main(String[] args) { test(new HashSet()); test(new TreeSet()); } } ///:~
(interface) |
Maintains key-value associations
(pairs), so you can look up a value using a key. |
HashMap* |
Implementation based on a hash
table. (Use this instead of Hashtable.) Provides constant-time
performance for inserting and locating pairs. Performance can be adjusted via
constructors that allow you to set the capacity and load factor of
the hash table. |
TreeMap |
Implementation based on a red-black
tree. When you view the keys or the pairs, they will be in sorted order
(determined by Comparable or Comparator, discussed later). The
point of a TreeMap is that you get the results in sorted order.
TreeMap is the only Map with the subMap( ) method,
which allows you to return a portion of the tree. |
//: Map1.java // Things you can do with Maps package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class Map1 { public final static String[][] testData1 = { { "Happy", "Cheerful disposition" }, { "Sleepy", "Prefers dark, quiet places" }, { "Grumpy", "Needs to work on attitude" }, { "Doc", "Fantasizes about advanced degree"}, { "Dopey", "'A' for effort" }, { "Sneezy", "Struggles with allergies" }, { "Bashful", "Needs self-esteem workshop"}, }; public final static String[][] testData2 = { { "Belligerent", "Disruptive influence" }, { "Lazy", "Motivational problems" }, { "Comatose", "Excellent behavior" } }; public static Map fill(Map m, Object[][] o) { for(int i = 0; i < o.length; i++) m.put(o[i][0], o[i][1]); return m; } // Producing a Set of the keys: public static void printKeys(Map m) { System.out.print("Size = " + m.size() +", "); System.out.print("Keys: "); Collection1.print(m.keySet()); } // Producing a Collection of the values: public static void printValues(Map m) { System.out.print("Values: "); Collection1.print(m.values()); } // Iterating through Map.Entry objects (pairs): public static void print(Map m) { Collection entries = m.entries(); Iterator it = entries.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)it.next(); System.out.println("Key = " + e.getKey() + ", Value = " + e.getValue()); } } public static void test(Map m) { fill(m, testData1); // Map has 'Set' behavior for keys: fill(m, testData1); printKeys(m); printValues(m); print(m); String key = testData1[4][0]; String value = testData1[4][1]; System.out.println("m.containsKey(\"" + key + "\"): " + m.containsKey(key)); System.out.println("m.get(\"" + key + "\"): " + m.get(key)); System.out.println("m.containsValue(\"" + value + "\"): " + m.containsValue(value)); Map m2 = fill(new TreeMap(), testData2); m.putAll(m2); printKeys(m); m.remove(testData2[0][0]); printKeys(m); m.clear(); System.out.println("m.isEmpty(): " + m.isEmpty()); fill(m, testData1); // Operations on the Set change the Map: m.keySet().removeAll(m.keySet()); System.out.println("m.isEmpty(): " + m.isEmpty()); } public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Testing HashMap"); test(new HashMap()); System.out.println("Testing TreeMap"); test(new TreeMap()); } } ///:~
//: ListPerformance.java // Demonstrates performance differences in Lists package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class ListPerformance { private static final int REPS = 100; private abstract static class Tester { String name; int size; // Test quantity Tester(String name, int size) { this.name = name; this.size = size; } abstract void test(List a); } private static Tester[] tests = { new Tester("get", 300) { void test(List a) { for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < a.size(); j++) a.get(j); } } }, new Tester("iteration", 300) { void test(List a) { for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) { Iterator it = a.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) it.next(); } } }, new Tester("insert", 1000) { void test(List a) { int half = a.size()/2; String s = "test"; ListIterator it = a.listIterator(half); for(int i = 0; i < size * 10; i++) it.add(s); } }, new Tester("remove", 5000) { void test(List a) { ListIterator it = a.listIterator(3); while(it.hasNext()) { it.next(); it.remove(); } } }, }; public static void test(List a) { // A trick to print out the class name: System.out.println("Testing " + a.getClass().getName()); for(int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { Collection1.fill(a, tests[i].size); System.out.print(tests[i].name); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); tests[i].test(a); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(": " + (t2 - t1)); } } public static void main(String[] args) { test(new ArrayList()); test(new LinkedList()); } } ///:~
//: SetPerformance.java package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class SetPerformance { private static final int REPS = 200; private abstract static class Tester { String name; Tester(String name) { this.name = name; } abstract void test(Set s, int size); } private static Tester[] tests = { new Tester("add") { void test(Set s, int size) { for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) { s.clear(); Collection1.fill(s, size); } } }, new Tester("contains") { void test(Set s, int size) { for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) s.contains(Integer.toString(j)); } }, new Tester("iteration") { void test(Set s, int size) { for(int i = 0; i < REPS * 10; i++) { Iterator it = s.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) it.next(); } } }, }; public static void test(Set s, int size) { // A trick to print out the class name: System.out.println("Testing " + s.getClass().getName() + " size " + size); Collection1.fill(s, size); for(int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { System.out.print(tests[i].name); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); tests[i].test(s, size); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(": " + ((double)(t2 - t1)/(double)size)); } } public static void main(String[] args) { // Small: test(new TreeSet(), 10); test(new HashSet(), 10); // Medium: test(new TreeSet(), 100); test(new HashSet(), 100); // Large: test(new HashSet(), 1000); test(new TreeSet(), 1000); } } ///:~
Type |
Test size |
Add |
Contains |
Iteration |
10 |
22.0 |
11.0 |
16.0 |
TreeSet |
100 |
22.5 |
13.2 |
12.1 |
1000 |
31.1 |
18.7 |
11.8 |
10 |
5.0 |
6.0 |
27.0 |
HashSet |
100 |
6.6 |
6.6 |
10.9 |
1000 |
7.4 |
6.6 |
9.5 |
//: MapPerformance.java // Demonstrates performance differences in Maps package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class MapPerformance { private static final int REPS = 200; public static Map fill(Map m, int size) { for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String x = Integer.toString(i); m.put(x, x); } return m; } private abstract static class Tester { String name; Tester(String name) { this.name = name; } abstract void test(Map m, int size); } private static Tester[] tests = { new Tester("put") { void test(Map m, int size) { for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) { m.clear(); fill(m, size); } } }, new Tester("get") { void test(Map m, int size) { for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) m.get(Integer.toString(j)); } }, new Tester("iteration") { void test(Map m, int size) { for(int i = 0; i < REPS * 10; i++) { Iterator it = m.entries().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) it.next(); } } }, }; public static void test(Map m, int size) { // A trick to print out the class name: System.out.println("Testing " + m.getClass().getName() + " size " + size); fill(m, size); for(int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { System.out.print(tests[i].name); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); tests[i].test(m, size); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(": " + ((double)(t2 - t1)/(double)size)); } } public static void main(String[] args) { // Small: test(new Hashtable(), 10); test(new HashMap(), 10); test(new TreeMap(), 10); // Medium: test(new Hashtable(), 100); test(new HashMap(), 100); test(new TreeMap(), 100); // Large: test(new HashMap(), 1000); test(new Hashtable(), 1000); test(new TreeMap(), 1000); } } ///:~
Type |
Test size |
Put |
Get |
Iteration |
10 |
11.0 |
5.0 |
44.0 |
Hashtable |
100 |
7.7 |
7.7 |
16.5 |
1000 |
8.0 |
8.0 |
14.4 |
10 |
16.0 |
11.0 |
22.0 |
TreeMap |
100 |
25.8 |
15.4 |
13.2 |
1000 |
33.8 |
20.9 |
13.6 |
10 |
11.0 |
6.0 |
33.0 |
HashMap |
100 |
8.2 |
7.7 |
13.7 |
1000 |
8.0 |
7.8 |
11.9 |
//: MapCreation.java // Demonstrates time differences in Map creation package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class MapCreation { public static void main(String[] args) { final long REPS = 100000; long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.print("Hashtable"); for(long i = 0; i < REPS; i++) new Hashtable(); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(": " + (t2 - t1)); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.print("TreeMap"); for(long i = 0; i < REPS; i++) new TreeMap(); t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(": " + (t2 - t1)); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.print("HashMap"); for(long i = 0; i < REPS; i++) new HashMap(); t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(": " + (t2 - t1)); } } ///:~
//: Unsupported.java // Sometimes methods defined in the Collection // interfaces don't work! package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class Unsupported { private static String[] s = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", }; static List a = Arrays.toList(s); static List a2 = Arrays.toList( new String[] { s[3], s[4], s[5] }); public static void main(String[] args) { Collection1.print(a); // Iteration System.out.println( "a.contains(" + s[0] + ") = " + a.contains(s[0])); System.out.println( "a.containsAll(a2) = " + a.containsAll(a2)); System.out.println("a.isEmpty() = " + a.isEmpty()); System.out.println( "a.indexOf(" + s[5] + ") = " + a.indexOf(s[5])); // Traverse backwards: ListIterator lit = a.listIterator(a.size()); while(lit.hasPrevious()) System.out.print(lit.previous()); System.out.println(); // Set the elements to different values: for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) a.set(i, "47"); Collection1.print(a); // Compiles, but won't run: lit.add("X"); // Unsupported operation a.clear(); // Unsupported a.add("eleven"); // Unsupported a.addAll(a2); // Unsupported a.retainAll(a2); // Unsupported a.remove(s[0]); // Unsupported a.removeAll(a2); // Unsupported } } ///:~
//: Array1.java // Testing the sorting & searching in Arrays package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class Array1 { static Random r = new Random(); static String ssource = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; static char[] src = ssource.toCharArray(); // Create a random String public static String randString(int length) { char[] buf = new char[length]; int rnd; for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { rnd = Math.abs(r.nextInt()) % src.length; buf[i] = src[rnd]; } return new String(buf); } // Create a random array of Strings: public static String[] randStrings(int length, int size) { String[] s = new String[size]; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) s[i] = randString(length); return s; } public static void print(byte[] b) { for(int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) System.out.print(b[i] + " "); System.out.println(); } public static void print(String[] s) { for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) System.out.print(s[i] + " "); System.out.println(); } public static void main(String[] args) { byte[] b = new byte[15]; r.nextBytes(b); // Fill with random bytes print(b); Arrays.sort(b); print(b); int loc = Arrays.binarySearch(b, b[10]); System.out.println("Location of " + b[10] + " = " + loc); // Test String sort & search: String[] s = randStrings(4, 10); print(s); Arrays.sort(s); print(s); loc = Arrays.binarySearch(s, s[4]); System.out.println("Location of " + s[4] + " = " + loc); } } ///:~
//: AlphaComp.java // Using Comparator to perform an alphabetic sort package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class AlphaComp implements Comparator { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { // Assume it's used only for Strings... String s1 = ((String)o1).toLowerCase(); String s2 = ((String)o2).toLowerCase(); return s1.compareTo(s2); } public static void main(String[] args) { String[] s = Array1.randStrings(4, 10); Array1.print(s); AlphaComp ac = new AlphaComp(); Arrays.sort(s, ac); Array1.print(s); // Must use the Comparator to search, also: int loc = Arrays.binarySearch(s, s[3], ac); System.out.println("Location of " + s[3] + " = " + loc); } } ///:~
//: CompClass.java // A class that implements Comparable package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class CompClass implements Comparable { private int i; public CompClass(int ii) { i = ii; } public int compareTo(Object o) { // Implicitly tests for correct type: int argi = ((CompClass)o).i; if(i == argi) return 0; if(i < argi) return -1; return 1; } public static void print(Object[] a) { for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) System.out.print(a[i] + " "); System.out.println(); } public String toString() { return i + ""; } public static void main(String[] args) { CompClass[] a = new CompClass[20]; for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = new CompClass( (int)(Math.random() *100)); print(a); Arrays.sort(a); print(a); int loc = Arrays.binarySearch(a, a[3]); System.out.println("Location of " + a[3] + " = " + loc); } } ///:~
//: ListSort.java // Sorting and searching Lists with 'Collections' package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class ListSort { public static void main(String[] args) { final int SZ = 20; // Using "natural comparison method": List a = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < SZ; i++) a.add(new CompClass( (int)(Math.random() *100))); Collection1.print(a); Collections.sort(a); Collection1.print(a); Object find = a.get(SZ/2); int loc = Collections.binarySearch(a, find); System.out.println("Location of " + find + " = " + loc); // Using a Comparator: List b = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < SZ; i++) b.add(Array1.randString(4)); Collection1.print(b); AlphaComp ac = new AlphaComp(); Collections.sort(b, ac); Collection1.print(b); find = b.get(SZ/2); // Must use the Comparator to search, also: loc = Collections.binarySearch(b, find, ac); System.out.println("Location of " + find + " = " + loc); } } ///:~
Produces an old-style
Enumeration for the argument. |
min(Collection) |
Produces the maximum or minimum
element in the argument using the natural comparison method of the objects in
the Collection. |
max(Collection, Comparator)
Comparator) |
Produces the maximum or minimum
element in the Collection using the Comparator. |
nCopies(int n, Object o)
Returns an immutable List of
size n whose handles all point to o. |
subList(List, int min, int max)
Returns a new List backed by
the specified argument List that is a window into that argument with
indexes starting at min and stopping just before max.
//: ReadOnly.java // Using the Collections.unmodifiable methods package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class ReadOnly { public static void main(String[] args) { Collection c = new ArrayList(); Collection1.fill(c); // Insert useful data c = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(c); Collection1.print(c); // Reading is OK //! c.add("one"); // Can't change it List a = new ArrayList(); Collection1.fill(a); a = Collections.unmodifiableList(a); ListIterator lit = a.listIterator(); System.out.println(lit.next()); // Reading OK //! lit.add("one"); // Can't change it Set s = new HashSet(); Collection1.fill(s); s = Collections.unmodifiableSet(s); Collection1.print(s); // Reading OK //! s.add("one"); // Can't change it Map m = new HashMap(); Map1.fill(m, Map1.testData1); m = Collections.unmodifiableMap(m); Map1.print(m); // Reading OK //! m.put("Ralph", "Howdy!"); } } ///:~
//: Synchronization.java // Using the Collections.synchronized methods package c08.newcollections; import java.util.*; public class Synchronization { public static void main(String[] args) { Collection c = Collections.synchronizedCollection( new ArrayList()); List list = Collections.synchronizedList( new ArrayList()); Set s = Collections.synchronizedSet( new HashSet()); Map m = Collections.synchronizedMap( new HashMap()); } } ///:~