第16章 设计范式
Pattern)的问世。它在由Gamma,Helm和Johnson编著的《Design Patterns》一书中被定义成一个“里程碑”(该书由Addison-Wesley于1995年出版,注释①)。那本书列出了解决这个问题的23种不同的方法。在本章中,我们准备伴随几个例子揭示出设计范式的基本概念。这或许能激起您阅读《Design
16.1 范式的概念
在《Design Patterns》一书中,大家还能看到另一种范式:“继承器”(即Iterator,Java
16.1.1 单子
//: SingletonPattern.java // The Singleton design pattern: you can // never instantiate more than one. package c16; // Since this isn't inherited from a Cloneable // base class and cloneability isn't added, // making it final prevents cloneability from // being added in any derived classes: final class Singleton { private static Singleton s = new Singleton(47); private int i; private Singleton(int x) { i = x; } public static Singleton getHandle() { return s; } public int getValue() { return i; } public void setValue(int x) { i = x; } } public class SingletonPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Singleton s = Singleton.getHandle(); System.out.println(s.getValue()); Singleton s2 = Singleton.getHandle(); s2.setValue(9); System.out.println(s.getValue()); try { // Can't do this: compile-time error. // Singleton s3 = (Singleton)s2.clone(); } catch(Exception e) {} } } ///:~
//: BoxObserver.java // Demonstration of Observer pattern using // Java's built-in observer classes. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; // You must inherit a new type of Observable: class BoxObservable extends Observable { public void notifyObservers(Object b) { // Otherwise it won't propagate changes: setChanged(); super.notifyObservers(b); } } public class BoxObserver extends Frame { Observable notifier = new BoxObservable(); public BoxObserver(int grid) { setTitle("Demonstrates Observer pattern"); setLayout(new GridLayout(grid, grid)); for(int x = 0; x < grid; x++) for(int y = 0; y < grid; y++) add(new OCBox(x, y, notifier)); } public static void main(String[] args) { int grid = 8; if(args.length > 0) grid = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); Frame f = new BoxObserver(grid); f.setSize(500, 400); f.setVisible(true); f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); } } class OCBox extends Canvas implements Observer { Observable notifier; int x, y; // Locations in grid Color cColor = newColor(); static final Color[] colors = { Color.black, Color.blue, Color.cyan, Color.darkGray, Color.gray, Color.green, Color.lightGray, Color.magenta, Color.orange, Color.pink, Color.red, Color.white, Color.yellow }; static final Color newColor() { return colors[ (int)(Math.random() * colors.length) ]; } OCBox(int x, int y, Observable notifier) { this.x = x; this.y = y; notifier.addObserver(this); this.notifier = notifier; addMouseListener(new ML()); } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(cColor); Dimension s = getSize(); g.fillRect(0, 0, s.width, s.height); } class ML extends MouseAdapter { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { notifier.notifyObservers(OCBox.this); } } public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { OCBox clicked = (OCBox)arg; if(nextTo(clicked)) { cColor = clicked.cColor; repaint(); } } private final boolean nextTo(OCBox b) { return Math.abs(x - b.x) <= 1 && Math.abs(y - b.y) <= 1; } } ///:~
//: RecycleA.java // Recycling with RTTI package c16.recyclea; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; abstract class Trash { private double weight; Trash(double wt) { weight = wt; } abstract double value(); double weight() { return weight; } // Sums the value of Trash in a bin: static void sumValue(Vector bin) { Enumeration e = bin.elements(); double val = 0.0f; while(e.hasMoreElements()) { // One kind of RTTI: // A dynamically-checked cast Trash t = (Trash)e.nextElement(); // Polymorphism in action: val += t.weight() * t.value(); System.out.println( "weight of " + // Using RTTI to get type // information about the class: t.getClass().getName() + " = " + t.weight()); } System.out.println("Total value = " + val); } } class Aluminum extends Trash { static double val = 1.67f; Aluminum(double wt) { super(wt); } double value() { return val; } static void value(double newval) { val = newval; } } class Paper extends Trash { static double val = 0.10f; Paper(double wt) { super(wt); } double value() { return val; } static void value(double newval) { val = newval; } } class Glass extends Trash { static double val = 0.23f; Glass(double wt) { super(wt); } double value() { return val; } static void value(double newval) { val = newval; } } public class RecycleA { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector bin = new Vector(); // Fill up the Trash bin: for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) switch((int)(Math.random() * 3)) { case 0 : bin.addElement(new Aluminum(Math.random() * 100)); break; case 1 : bin.addElement(new Paper(Math.random() * 100)); break; case 2 : bin.addElement(new Glass(Math.random() * 100)); } Vector glassBin = new Vector(), paperBin = new Vector(), alBin = new Vector(); Enumeration sorter = bin.elements(); // Sort the Trash: while(sorter.hasMoreElements()) { Object t = sorter.nextElement(); // RTTI to show class membership: if(t instanceof Aluminum) alBin.addElement(t); if(t instanceof Paper) paperBin.addElement(t); if(t instanceof Glass) glassBin.addElement(t); } Trash.sumValue(alBin); Trash.sumValue(paperBin); Trash.sumValue(glassBin); Trash.sumValue(bin); } } ///:~
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) switch((int)(Math.random() * 3)) { case 0 : bin.addElement(new Aluminum(Math.random() * 100)); break; case 1 : bin.addElement(new Paper(Math.random() * 100)); break; case 2 : bin.addElement(new Glass(Math.random() * 100)); }
class Info { int type; // Must change this to add another type: static final int MAX_NUM = 4; double data; Info(int typeNum, double dat) { type = typeNum % MAX_NUM; data = dat; } }
static Trash factory(Info i) { switch(i.type) { default: // To quiet the compiler case 0: return new Aluminum(i.data); case 1: return new Paper(i.data); case 2: return new Glass(i.data); // Two lines here: case 3: return new Cardboard(i.data); } }
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) bin.addElement( Trash.factory( new Info( (int)(Math.random() * Info.MAX_NUM), Math.random() * 100)));
//: Trash.java // Base class for Trash recycling examples package c16.trash; import java.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; public abstract class Trash { private double weight; Trash(double wt) { weight = wt; } Trash() {} public abstract double value(); public double weight() { return weight; } // Sums the value of Trash in a bin: public static void sumValue(Vector bin) { Enumeration e = bin.elements(); double val = 0.0f; while(e.hasMoreElements()) { // One kind of RTTI: // A dynamically-checked cast Trash t = (Trash)e.nextElement(); val += t.weight() * t.value(); System.out.println( "weight of " + // Using RTTI to get type // information about the class: t.getClass().getName() + " = " + t.weight()); } System.out.println("Total value = " + val); } // Remainder of class provides support for // prototyping: public static class PrototypeNotFoundException extends Exception {} public static class CannotCreateTrashException extends Exception {} private static Vector trashTypes = new Vector(); public static Trash factory(Info info) throws PrototypeNotFoundException, CannotCreateTrashException { for(int i = 0; i < trashTypes.size(); i++) { // Somehow determine the new type // to create, and create one: Class tc = (Class)trashTypes.elementAt(i); if (tc.getName().indexOf(info.id) != -1) { try { // Get the dynamic constructor method // that takes a double argument: Constructor ctor = tc.getConstructor( new Class[] {double.class}); // Call the constructor to create a // new object: return (Trash)ctor.newInstance( new Object[]{new Double(info.data)}); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new CannotCreateTrashException(); } } } // Class was not in the list. Try to load it, // but it must be in your class path! try { System.out.println("Loading " + info.id); trashTypes.addElement( Class.forName(info.id)); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new PrototypeNotFoundException(); } // Loaded successfully. Recursive call // should work this time: return factory(info); } public static class Info { public String id; public double data; public Info(String name, double data) { id = name; this.data = data; } } } ///:~
//: Aluminum.java // The Aluminum class with prototyping package c16.trash; public class Aluminum extends Trash { private static double val = 1.67f; public Aluminum(double wt) { super(wt); } public double value() { return val; } public static void value(double newVal) { val = newVal; } } ///:~
//: Cardboard.java // The Cardboard class with prototyping package c16.trash; public class Cardboard extends Trash { private static double val = 0.23f; public Cardboard(double wt) { super(wt); } public double value() { return val; } public static void value(double newVal) { val = newVal; } } ///:~
c16.Trash.Glass:54 c16.Trash.Paper:22 c16.Trash.Paper:11 c16.Trash.Glass:17 c16.Trash.Aluminum:89 c16.Trash.Paper:88 c16.Trash.Aluminum:76 c16.Trash.Cardboard:96 c16.Trash.Aluminum:25 c16.Trash.Aluminum:34 c16.Trash.Glass:11 c16.Trash.Glass:68 c16.Trash.Glass:43 c16.Trash.Aluminum:27 c16.Trash.Cardboard:44 c16.Trash.Aluminum:18 c16.Trash.Paper:91 c16.Trash.Glass:63 c16.Trash.Glass:50 c16.Trash.Glass:80 c16.Trash.Aluminum:81 c16.Trash.Cardboard:12 c16.Trash.Glass:12 c16.Trash.Glass:54 c16.Trash.Aluminum:36 c16.Trash.Aluminum:93 c16.Trash.Glass:93 c16.Trash.Paper:80 c16.Trash.Glass:36 c16.Trash.Glass:12 c16.Trash.Glass:60 c16.Trash.Paper:66 c16.Trash.Aluminum:36 c16.Trash.Cardboard:22
//: ParseTrash.java // Open a file and parse its contents into // Trash objects, placing each into a Vector package c16.trash; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class ParseTrash { public static void fillBin(String filename, Fillable bin) { try { BufferedReader data = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(filename)); String buf; while((buf = data.readLine())!= null) { String type = buf.substring(0, buf.indexOf(':')).trim(); double weight = Double.valueOf( buf.substring(buf.indexOf(':') + 1) .trim()).doubleValue(); bin.addTrash( Trash.factory( new Trash.Info(type, weight))); } data.close(); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Special case to handle Vector: public static void fillBin(String filename, Vector bin) { fillBin(filename, new FillableVector(bin)); } } ///:~
//: Fillable.java // Any object that can be filled with Trash package c16.trash; public interface Fillable { void addTrash(Trash t); } ///:~
//: FillableVector.java // Adapter that makes a Vector Fillable package c16.trash; import java.util.*; public class FillableVector implements Fillable { private Vector v; public FillableVector(Vector vv) { v = vv; } public void addTrash(Trash t) { v.addElement(t); } } ///:~
public static void fillBin(String filename, Vector bin) { fillBin(filename, new FillableVector(bin)); }
//: RecycleAP.java // Recycling with RTTI and Prototypes package c16.recycleap; import c16.trash.*; import java.util.*; public class RecycleAP { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector bin = new Vector(); // Fill up the Trash bin: ParseTrash.fillBin("Trash.dat", bin); Vector glassBin = new Vector(), paperBin = new Vector(), alBin = new Vector(); Enumeration sorter = bin.elements(); // Sort the Trash: while(sorter.hasMoreElements()) { Object t = sorter.nextElement(); // RTTI to show class membership: if(t instanceof Aluminum) alBin.addElement(t); if(t instanceof Paper) paperBin.addElement(t); if(t instanceof Glass) glassBin.addElement(t); } Trash.sumValue(alBin); Trash.sumValue(paperBin); Trash.sumValue(glassBin); Trash.sumValue(bin); } } ///:~
//: RecycleB.java // Adding more objects to the recycling problem package c16.recycleb; import c16.trash.*; import java.util.*; // A vector that admits only the right type: class Tbin extends Vector { Class binType; Tbin(Class binType) { this.binType = binType; } boolean grab(Trash t) { // Comparing class types: if(t.getClass().equals(binType)) { addElement(t); return true; // Object grabbed } return false; // Object not grabbed } } class TbinList extends Vector { //(*1*) boolean sort(Trash t) { Enumeration e = elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { Tbin bin = (Tbin)e.nextElement(); if(bin.grab(t)) return true; } return false; // bin not found for t } void sortBin(Tbin bin) { // (*2*) Enumeration e = bin.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) if(!sort((Trash)e.nextElement())) System.out.println("Bin not found"); } } public class RecycleB { static Tbin bin = new Tbin(Trash.class); public static void main(String[] args) { // Fill up the Trash bin: ParseTrash.fillBin("Trash.dat", bin); TbinList trashBins = new TbinList(); trashBins.addElement( new Tbin(Aluminum.class)); trashBins.addElement( new Tbin(Paper.class)); trashBins.addElement( new Tbin(Glass.class)); // add one line here: (*3*) trashBins.addElement( new Tbin(Cardboard.class)); trashBins.sortBin(bin); // (*4*) Enumeration e = trashBins.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { Tbin b = (Tbin)e.nextElement(); Trash.sumValue(b); } Trash.sumValue(bin); } } ///:~
//: TypedBinMember.java // An interface for adding the double dispatching // method to the trash hierarchy without // modifying the original hierarchy. package c16.doubledispatch; interface TypedBinMember { // The new method: boolean addToBin(TypedBin[] tb); } ///:~
//: DDAluminum.java // Aluminum for double dispatching package c16.doubledispatch; import c16.trash.*; public class DDAluminum extends Aluminum implements TypedBinMember { public DDAluminum(double wt) { super(wt); } public boolean addToBin(TypedBin[] tb) { for(int i = 0; i < tb.length; i++) if(tb[i].add(this)) return true; return false; } } ///:~
//: DDPaper.java // Paper for double dispatching package c16.doubledispatch; import c16.trash.*; public class DDPaper extends Paper implements TypedBinMember { public DDPaper(double wt) { super(wt); } public boolean addToBin(TypedBin[] tb) { for(int i = 0; i < tb.length; i++) if(tb[i].add(this)) return true; return false; } } ///:~
//: DDGlass.java // Glass for double dispatching package c16.doubledispatch; import c16.trash.*; public class DDGlass extends Glass implements TypedBinMember { public DDGlass(double wt) { super(wt); } public boolean addToBin(TypedBin[] tb) { for(int i = 0; i < tb.length; i++) if(tb[i].add(this)) return true; return false; } } ///:~
//: DDCardboard.java // Cardboard for double dispatching package c16.doubledispatch; import c16.trash.*; public class DDCardboard extends Cardboard implements TypedBinMember { public DDCardboard(double wt) { super(wt); } public boolean addToBin(TypedBin[] tb) { for(int i = 0; i < tb.length; i++) if(tb[i].add(this)) return true; return false; } } ///:~
//: TypedBin.java // Vector that knows how to grab the right type package c16.doubledispatch; import c16.trash.*; import java.util.*; public abstract class TypedBin { Vector v = new Vector(); protected boolean addIt(Trash t) { v.addElement(t); return true; } public Enumeration elements() { return v.elements(); } public boolean add(DDAluminum a) { return false; } public boolean add(DDPaper a) { return false; } public boolean add(DDGlass a) { return false; } public boolean add(DDCardboard a) { return false; } } ///:~
c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:54 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDPaper:22 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDPaper:11 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:17 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDAluminum:89 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDPaper:88 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDAluminum:76 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDCardboard:96 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDAluminum:25 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDAluminum:34 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:11 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:68 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:43 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDAluminum:27 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDCardboard:44 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDAluminum:18 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDPaper:91 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:63 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:50 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:80 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDAluminum:81 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDCardboard:12 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:12 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:54 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDAluminum:36 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDAluminum:93 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:93 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDPaper:80 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:36 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:12 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDGlass:60 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDPaper:66 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDAluminum:36 c16.DoubleDispatch.DDCardboard:22
//: DoubleDispatch.java // Using multiple dispatching to handle more // than one unknown type during a method call. package c16.doubledispatch; import c16.trash.*; import java.util.*; class AluminumBin extends TypedBin { public boolean add(DDAluminum a) { return addIt(a); } } class PaperBin extends TypedBin { public boolean add(DDPaper a) { return addIt(a); } } class GlassBin extends TypedBin { public boolean add(DDGlass a) { return addIt(a); } } class CardboardBin extends TypedBin { public boolean add(DDCardboard a) { return addIt(a); } } class TrashBinSet { private TypedBin[] binSet = { new AluminumBin(), new PaperBin(), new GlassBin(), new CardboardBin() }; public void sortIntoBins(Vector bin) { Enumeration e = bin.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { TypedBinMember t = (TypedBinMember)e.nextElement(); if(!t.addToBin(binSet)) System.err.println("Couldn't add " + t); } } public TypedBin[] binSet() { return binSet; } } public class DoubleDispatch { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector bin = new Vector(); TrashBinSet bins = new TrashBinSet(); // ParseTrash still works, without changes: ParseTrash.fillBin("DDTrash.dat", bin); // Sort from the master bin into the // individually-typed bins: bins.sortIntoBins(bin); TypedBin[] tb = bins.binSet(); // Perform sumValue for each bin... for(int i = 0; i < tb.length; i++) Trash.sumValue(tb[i].v); // ... and for the master bin Trash.sumValue(bin); } } ///:~
//: Visitable.java // An interface to add visitor functionality to // the Trash hierarchy without modifying the // base class. package c16.trashvisitor; import c16.trash.*; interface Visitable { // The new method: void accept(Visitor v); } ///:~
//: VAluminum.java // Aluminum for the visitor pattern package c16.trashvisitor; import c16.trash.*; public class VAluminum extends Aluminum implements Visitable { public VAluminum(double wt) { super(wt); } public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } ///:~
//: VPaper.java // Paper for the visitor pattern package c16.trashvisitor; import c16.trash.*; public class VPaper extends Paper implements Visitable { public VPaper(double wt) { super(wt); } public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } ///:~
//: VGlass.java // Glass for the visitor pattern package c16.trashvisitor; import c16.trash.*; public class VGlass extends Glass implements Visitable { public VGlass(double wt) { super(wt); } public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } ///:~
//: VCardboard.java // Cardboard for the visitor pattern package c16.trashvisitor; import c16.trash.*; public class VCardboard extends Cardboard implements Visitable { public VCardboard(double wt) { super(wt); } public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } ///:~
//: Visitor.java // The base interface for visitors package c16.trashvisitor; import c16.trash.*; interface Visitor { void visit(VAluminum a); void visit(VPaper p); void visit(VGlass g); void visit(VCardboard c); } ///:~
c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:54 c16.TrashVisitor.VPaper:22 c16.TrashVisitor.VPaper:11 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:17 c16.TrashVisitor.VAluminum:89 c16.TrashVisitor.VPaper:88 c16.TrashVisitor.VAluminum:76 c16.TrashVisitor.VCardboard:96 c16.TrashVisitor.VAluminum:25 c16.TrashVisitor.VAluminum:34 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:11 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:68 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:43 c16.TrashVisitor.VAluminum:27 c16.TrashVisitor.VCardboard:44 c16.TrashVisitor.VAluminum:18 c16.TrashVisitor.VPaper:91 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:63 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:50 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:80 c16.TrashVisitor.VAluminum:81 c16.TrashVisitor.VCardboard:12 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:12 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:54 c16.TrashVisitor.VAluminum:36 c16.TrashVisitor.VAluminum:93 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:93 c16.TrashVisitor.VPaper:80 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:36 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:12 c16.TrashVisitor.VGlass:60 c16.TrashVisitor.VPaper:66 c16.TrashVisitor.VAluminum:36 c16.TrashVisitor.VCardboard:22
//: TrashVisitor.java // The "visitor" pattern package c16.trashvisitor; import c16.trash.*; import java.util.*; // Specific group of algorithms packaged // in each implementation of Visitor: class PriceVisitor implements Visitor { private double alSum; // Aluminum private double pSum; // Paper private double gSum; // Glass private double cSum; // Cardboard public void visit(VAluminum al) { double v = al.weight() * al.value(); System.out.println( "value of Aluminum= " + v); alSum += v; } public void visit(VPaper p) { double v = p.weight() * p.value(); System.out.println( "value of Paper= " + v); pSum += v; } public void visit(VGlass g) { double v = g.weight() * g.value(); System.out.println( "value of Glass= " + v); gSum += v; } public void visit(VCardboard c) { double v = c.weight() * c.value(); System.out.println( "value of Cardboard = " + v); cSum += v; } void total() { System.out.println( "Total Aluminum: $" + alSum + "\n" + "Total Paper: $" + pSum + "\n" + "Total Glass: $" + gSum + "\n" + "Total Cardboard: $" + cSum); } } class WeightVisitor implements Visitor { private double alSum; // Aluminum private double pSum; // Paper private double gSum; // Glass private double cSum; // Cardboard public void visit(VAluminum al) { alSum += al.weight(); System.out.println("weight of Aluminum = " + al.weight()); } public void visit(VPaper p) { pSum += p.weight(); System.out.println("weight of Paper = " + p.weight()); } public void visit(VGlass g) { gSum += g.weight(); System.out.println("weight of Glass = " + g.weight()); } public void visit(VCardboard c) { cSum += c.weight(); System.out.println("weight of Cardboard = " + c.weight()); } void total() { System.out.println("Total weight Aluminum:" + alSum); System.out.println("Total weight Paper:" + pSum); System.out.println("Total weight Glass:" + gSum); System.out.println("Total weight Cardboard:" + cSum); } } public class TrashVisitor { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector bin = new Vector(); // ParseTrash still works, without changes: ParseTrash.fillBin("VTrash.dat", bin); // You could even iterate through // a list of visitors! PriceVisitor pv = new PriceVisitor(); WeightVisitor wv = new WeightVisitor(); Enumeration it = bin.elements(); while(it.hasMoreElements()) { Visitable v = (Visitable)it.nextElement(); v.accept(pv); v.accept(wv); } pv.total(); wv.total(); } } ///:~
//: DynaTrash.java // Using a Hashtable of Vectors and RTTI // to automatically sort trash into // vectors. This solution, despite the // use of RTTI, is extensible. package c16.dynatrash; import c16.trash.*; import java.util.*; // Generic TypeMap works in any situation: class TypeMap { private Hashtable t = new Hashtable(); public void add(Object o) { Class type = o.getClass(); if(t.containsKey(type)) ((Vector)t.get(type)).addElement(o); else { Vector v = new Vector(); v.addElement(o); t.put(type,v); } } public Vector get(Class type) { return (Vector)t.get(type); } public Enumeration keys() { return t.keys(); } // Returns handle to adapter class to allow // callbacks from ParseTrash.fillBin(): public Fillable filler() { // Anonymous inner class: return new Fillable() { public void addTrash(Trash t) { add(t); } }; } } public class DynaTrash { public static void main(String[] args) { TypeMap bin = new TypeMap(); ParseTrash.fillBin("Trash.dat",bin.filler()); Enumeration keys = bin.keys(); while(keys.hasMoreElements()) Trash.sumValue( bin.get((Class)keys.nextElement())); } } ///:~
Enumeration keys = bin.keys(); while(keys.hasMoreElements()) Trash.sumValue( bin.get((Class)keys.nextElement()));