declare @tblname varchar(30) declare @tblown varchar(50) declare tbl_cur cursor for select name from sysobjects where uid='5' and status>=0 and xtype in ('U','P') --select * from sysusers open tbl_cur fetch next from tbl_cur into @tblname while @@fetch_status=0 begin set @tblown='web56433.'+@tblname EXEC sp_changeobjectowner @tblown, 'chn' print @tblname fetch next from tbl_cur into @tblname end close tbl_cur deallocate tbl_cur
1、手动修改系统表; 2、设备可以手动修改表;
exec sp_configure 'allow updates',1 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE
update sysobjects set uid = 1 where uid = 5 update sysobjects set uid = 5 where uid = 1 AND xtype != 'S' update sysobjects set uid = 1 where name = 'syssegments' update sysobjects set uid = 1 where name = 'sysconstraints' exec sp_configure 'allow updates',0 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE