PHP 手册


On Unix, run configure with the --enable-xslt --with-xslt-sablot options. The Sablotron library should be installed somewhere your compiler can find it.

Make sure you have the same libraries linked to the Sablotron library as those, which are linked with PHP. The configuration options: --with-expat-dir=DIR --with-iconv-dir=DIR are there to help you specify them. When asking for support, always mention these directives, and whether there are other versions of those libraries installed on your system somewhere. Naturally, provide all the version numbers.


Be sure your Sablotron library is linked to -lstdc++ as otherwise your configure will fail, or PHP will fail to run or load.

Note: JavaScript E-XSLT support
If you compiled Sablotron with JavaScript support, you must specify the option: --with-sablot-js=DIR .

Note: Note to Win32 Users

为了使此扩展生效, DLL 文件必须能在 Windows 系统的 PATH 指示的路径下找到。如何操作的信息,请参见题为“如何在 Windows 中将 PHP 目录加到 PATH 中”的FAQ。虽然将 DLL 文件从 PHP 文件夹复制到 Windows 系统目录也行,但不建议这样做。 此扩展需要下列文件在 PATH 路径中: sablot.dll, expat.dll, and iconv.dll

For PHP <= 4.2.0, the file iconv.dll is not required.

PHP 手册