PHP 手册


The process of installing OPcache varies depending on which version of PHP you're running. Please refer to the appropriate section below.


If you want to use OPcache with » Xdebug, you must load OPcache before Xdebug.

PHP 5.5.0 and later

By default, OPcache will be compiled as a shared extension. If you have disabled the building of default extensions with --disable-all , you must compile PHP with the --enable-opcache option for OPcache to be available.

Once compiled, you can use the zend_extension configuration directive to load the OPcache extension into PHP. This can be done with zend_extension=/full/path/to/opcache.so on non-Windows platforms, and zend_extension=C:\path\to\php_opcache.dll on Windows.

PHP 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4

» PECL 扩展未与 PHP 捆绑。

安装此 PECL 扩展相关的信息可在手册中标题为 PECL 扩展的安装章节中找到。更多信息如新的发行版本、下载、源文件、 维护人员信息及变更日志等,都在此处: » http://pecl.php.net/package/ZendOpcache.

PECL 扩展的 DLL 当前不可用。参见 在 Windows 上构建章节。

Recommended php.ini settings

The following settings are generally recommended as providing good performance:


You may also want to consider disabling opcache.save_comments and enabling opcache.enable_file_override, however note that you will have to test your code before using these in production as they are known to break some frameworks and applications, particularly in cases where documentation comment annotations are used.

A full list of configuration directives supported by OPcache is also available.

PHP 手册