This page allows you to view the system and other miscellaneous Logs. (See the Introduction on how to use the common controls). There are ten different categories, selected via the Section dropdown list:
Endian Firewall (default) - general EFW events like PPP profile saving and connection and disconnection of dialup modem links.
RED - traffic sent over the interface that is providing the PPP interface for EFW. This includes the data strings sent to, and received from modems and other network interfaces. This can be a very useful resource in troubleshooting "failure to connect" situations.
DNS - shows a log of activity for dnsmasq, the domain name service utility.
DHCP server - shows a log of activity for the DHCP Server function within Endian Firewall.
SSH - provides a record of users who have logged in to, and out of the Endian Firewall over a network via the SSH interface.
NTP - shows a log of activity for the ntpd Server function.
Cron - provides a record of activity of the cron daemon.
Login/Logout- provides a record of users who have logged in to and out of the Endian Firewall. This includes both local log-ins and logins over a network via the SSH interface.
Kernel - is a record of kernel activity in the Endian Firewall.
IPSec - is a record of activity of EFW - the VPN software module used by Endian Firewall.