Next: Single Character Fields, Previous: Default Field Splitting, Up: Field Separators [Contents][Index]
The previous subsection
discussed the use of single characters or simple strings as the
value of FS
More generally, the value of FS
may be a string containing any
regular expression. In this case, each match in the record for the regular
expression separates fields. For example, the assignment:
FS = ", \t"
makes every area of an input line that consists of a comma followed by a space and a TAB into a field separator.
For a less trivial example of a regular expression, try using
single spaces to separate fields the way single commas are used.
can be set to "[ ]"
(left bracket, space, right
bracket). This regular expression matches a single space and nothing else
(see Regexp).
There is an important difference between the two cases of ‘FS = " "’
(a single space) and ‘FS = "[ \t\n]+"’
(a regular expression matching one or more spaces, TABs, or newlines).
For both values of FS
, fields are separated by runs
(multiple adjacent occurrences) of spaces, TABs,
and/or newlines. However, when the value of FS
is " "
first strips leading and trailing whitespace from
the record and then decides where the fields are.
For example, the following pipeline prints ‘b’:
$ echo ' a b c d ' | awk '{ print $2 }' -| b
However, this pipeline prints ‘a’ (note the extra spaces around each letter):
$ echo ' a b c d ' | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "[ \t\n]+" } > { print $2 }' -| a
In this case, the first field is null, or empty.
The stripping of leading and trailing whitespace also comes into
play whenever $0
is recomputed. For instance, study this pipeline:
$ echo ' a b c d' | awk '{ print; $2 = $2; print }' -| a b c d -| a b c d
The first print
statement prints the record as it was read,
with leading whitespace intact. The assignment to $2
by concatenating $1
through $NF
separated by the value of OFS
(which is a space by default).
Because the leading whitespace was ignored when finding $1
it is not part of the new $0
. Finally, the last print
statement prints the new $0
There is an additional subtlety to be aware of when using regular expressions
for field splitting.
It is not well specified in the POSIX standard, or anywhere else, what ‘^’
means when splitting fields. Does the ‘^’ match only at the beginning of
the entire record? Or is each field separator a new string? It turns out that
different awk
versions answer this question differently, and you
should not rely on any specific behavior in your programs.
As a point of information, BWK awk
allows ‘^’
to match only at the beginning of the record. gawk
also works this way. For example:
$ echo 'xxAA xxBxx C' | > gawk -F '(^x+)|( +)' '{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) > printf "-->%s<--\n", $i }' -| --><-- -| -->AA<-- -| -->xxBxx<-- -| -->C<--
Next: Single Character Fields, Previous: Default Field Splitting, Up: Field Separators [Contents][Index]